Enraptured by the Rapture. Luke 18:31-34.

As Jesus led the disciples to Jerusalem, He warned them about His coming crucifixion. He told them—in plain terms—what would happen. His words were not poetic or artful in any way. He was not speaking in parables. He spoke the literal truth in the simplest terms—and they completely missed it. He told them what wasContinue reading “Enraptured by the Rapture. Luke 18:31-34.”


The Pulitzer-winning novel GONE WITH THE WIND opens with the Tarleton twins courting Scarlett O’Hara. It is April of 1861, and the 19-year-old brothers have been expelled from the University of Georgia. “It don’t matter much. We’d have had to come home before the term was out anyway.” “Why?” “The war! The war’s going toContinue reading “THE SIGNS OF THE TIMES ARE NOT VERY SPECIFIC. Luke 17:26-36.”

SIGN OF THE TIMES. Matthew 24:6

American Evangelicals are steeped in conversations about the End Times.  Ever since Hal Lindsay published THE LATE GREAT PLANET EARTH in 1970, Christians have been reading, writing, preaching, and making movies about the end of the world.  There are so many films about it, my pal Robb Brunson was even in one–he has his ownContinue reading “SIGN OF THE TIMES. Matthew 24:6”