Salvation Has Come. Luke 19:9.

How do you get saved? One of my favorite soul-winning tools is the Bridge to Life[1] tract published by the Navigators. In only a few pages, the writers explain some of the fundamental truths that help people find Christ. It ends with what is often called a “sinner’s prayer,” and most believe that if youContinue reading “Salvation Has Come. Luke 19:9.”

THE SINNER’S PRAYER. Luke 18:9-14.

Joel Osteen concludes each sermon with a prayer: “Lord Jesus, I repent of my sins. Come into my heart. I make you my Lord and Savior.” Then Joel looks at the camera and says, “If you prayed that simple prayer, we believe ya’ got born again. Get in a good, Bible-based church…” That always seemsContinue reading “THE SINNER’S PRAYER. Luke 18:9-14.”

Fake Apologies. John 1:5

A genuine apology does not come with strings attached. You sincerely admit your mistake, you agree it was wrong, and you stop there. You don’t get to manipulate the other person’s response. A real apology does not require anything from the other person. You confess your failure and accept their reaction—even if you don’t likeContinue reading “Fake Apologies. John 1:5”

No “Take-Backs.” Ezekiel 20:32.

As children, we have all experienced a friend giving us something, then snatching it back. Even as adults, we sometimes open Christmas presents only to be suddenly told the gift had the wrong name on it and was intended for someone else. When you give, it is important to “count the cost,” to do theContinue reading “No “Take-Backs.” Ezekiel 20:32.”