Biblical Manhood is Kingdom Childhood. Mark 10:14.

I admire two ministers and a layman.[1] First, Johnny D. Our youth minister loved his family, and was determined to obey Jesus in all things. He also had a gift for loving people, listening to people, and showing compassion. He was full of joy and when you were around him, you knew following Christ wasContinue reading “Biblical Manhood is Kingdom Childhood. Mark 10:14.”

Can You Rest With God?

Our world buzzes, a hive of activity. Watch morning television: four anchors, stories about war, the economy, weather, business, sports, entertainment, consumer advice, cooking, movies, music.  The cycle repeats every hour. On the radio people shout news and politics.  Phones blow up with viral videos, courtroom dramas, phishing scams.  There is no peace. The greatContinue reading “Can You Rest With God?”