Biblical Manhood is Kingdom Childhood. Mark 10:14.

He and I once had a lengthy conversation and I walked away convinced I had just seen Jesus.

He always had hope and saw himself not as a superhero who had to solve everything, but as a child of God with a heavenly Father who would provide. He was also the most honest person I ever met.

“Let them come to Me. Don’t stop them. For the kingdom of God belongs to such as these” Mark 10:14.

“Unless you change and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven … Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven” Matthew 18:3-4.

These three very different men had one physical trait in common: All three had the eyes of a child.

In other words, truly Biblical manhood requires the overwhelming humility that can cause even the most talented, successful, and powerful among us to see himself as a tiny, trusting child, obedient to the will of a loving Father.

Biblical manhood is resting like a child cradled in the arms of his heavenly Father.

“Surely I have composed and quieted my soul, like a weaned child rests in the arms of his mother. Deep down inside me, I am as content as a young child” Psalm 131:2.

Read Mark 10.


[1] There are others I admire, but have not known as well, either because I was so young during their ministry or because we never met. I am speaking here of men I have talked to many times.

Published by Steven Wales

Dad's Daily Devotional began as text messages to my family. I wanted my teenagers to know their father was reading the Bible. But they were at school by then. Initially, I sent them a favorite verse or an insight based on what I read each day. That grew into drafting a devotional readng which I would send them via text. I work as an attorney and an adjunct professor, and recently wrote a book called HOW TO MAKE A'S.

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