WORDS MATTER. Matthew 19:4.

IF YOU DON’T KNOW ANY OTHER WAY TO STUDY, THEN CONVERT YOUR NOTES TO DRAWINGS AND DIAGRAMS. If you’re a ‘visual person’ (everyone says they’re a visual person, right?), then prove it by making the stuff visual. Just be sure you can put it back into an essay form at test time. There are many ways to convert things to pictures, charts, graphs, maps, and more. However, though I am a visual person and though I love drawing, painting, sculpture, photography, maps, graphs, and charts, I don’t recall ever using any of those visual options to prepare for tests. Words are better, faster, easier. (There is a reason we use language to convey complex ideas.) … Creating something visual is better than not studying at all…. But I am one visual person who will tell you that for most academic subjects, words are the better medium.”[1]

A single word has the power to change everything. Words are powerful.

God, the Creator of all the arts, chose words to explain and clarify the deepest truths:

“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth” Genesis 1:1.

“All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God” Romans 3:23.

“For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life” John 3:16.

“In the beginning the Creator made them male and female” Matthew 19:4.

Words matter. God chose words as the medium to contain His truth.

Read Matthew 19.


[1] https://www.amazon.com/How-Make-As-Journey-Professor-ebook/dp/B0CFGPZQN2

Published by Steven Wales

Dad's Daily Devotional began as text messages to my family. I wanted my teenagers to know their father was reading the Bible. But they were at school by then. Initially, I sent them a favorite verse or an insight based on what I read each day. That grew into drafting a devotional readng which I would send them via text. I work as an attorney and an adjunct professor, and recently wrote a book called HOW TO MAKE A'S.

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