WORDS MATTER. Matthew 19:4.

I wrote a book of study tips. One tip encourages visual learners to make the content from their classes visual if possible. But visual media have their limits: “IF YOU DON’T KNOW ANY OTHER WAY TO STUDY, THEN CONVERT YOUR NOTES TO DRAWINGS AND DIAGRAMS. If you’re a ‘visual person’ (everyone says they’re a visualContinue reading “WORDS MATTER. Matthew 19:4.”

Words That Matter.

Words that matter are spoken, repeated, memorized, written down, stamped on signs, engraved on statues, monuments, and buildings, used as decoration—on tee shirts, bumper stickers, throw pillows, refrigerator magnets, hung in picture frames, and even stenciled on the walls of our homes. Bible words matter most.  When I was a child, I saw decorative itemsContinue reading “Words That Matter.”